Breathwork 1:1

Welcome to Breath Intelligence



Breath Intelligence encompasses everything I do in Breathwork.

Its name was born out of the continued transformation from my studies of Breathwork.

This process is accessed from the intelligence of the breath itself and

Breath Intelligence is the exploration of this transformation.

What are the benefits of Breathwork?

Benefits in releasing stress, anxiety and depression

Allows for greater understanding of yourself and your life patterns

Helps in being motivated to live life to the fullest

Improves and deepens your connection to emotional wellbeing

Become clearer on your visions and goals

Find inner peace and spiritual purpose in your life

Heal past hurts and traumas such as birth, loss, death and suffering

Supports you to feel confident and to make conscious positive change

Shifts unhelpful beliefs and entrenched and outdated habits and behaviour patterns

Works to free the emotional charge of trauma

Aids in dissolving our entrenched emotional blocks in order to navigate change and embrace our full potential

Improves self-awareness and the ability to re-program behaviours for greater presence and joy in life

What is Conscious Connected Breathing?

Based on ancient knowledge and current science, the Breathwork modality that I use in Breath Intelligence is a specific pattern of accelerated breathing called Conscious Connected Breathing to access blocked energy and emotions that are stored at the cellular level in our bodies. 

The Conscious Connected Breathing Cycle (CCBC) as practiced in a Breathwork session generates a relaxed, non-ordinary state of consciousness that supports the expression and release of unresolved trauma, limiting beliefs and adapted behaviour patterns. These issues can be the cause of current day dysfunction that is often associated with depression, stress and anxiety.

What can you experience from a

Breathwork session?

A Breathwork session begins with a briefing with the Breathwork Practitioner to establish connection, share your personal history and set an intention for the Breathwork session.

The session begins with you lying down and the Breathwork Practitioner sitting nearby. The breathing part of the session will generally take an hour to complete with the Breathwork Practitioner gently guiding your breathing and supporting you to let go of mind chatter, notice body sensations and be aware of memories or images that surface through your breathe.

After the session, there is time to debrief and allows time to summarise your experience and discuss any insights and understandings that may have come to light for you.

While the quality and content of a Breathwork session is unique to each person’s intentions, needs and their particular life situation, there are some recurring themes that are often experienced:

      • The body feeling warm or cool

      • Physical tingling, tightness, cramping or numbness are possible

      • Sensations of energy moving through the body and feelings of peace, calm and connection within the body

      • Mental, past memories, early childhood or birth events might come to awareness along with the ability to recognise learned limiting behaviours that impede well-being

      • Spiritual awareness of bliss, unity and connection to a universal presence 

A Breathwork session can deliver immediate experiences and clear awareness that are life-changing in the moment. The session can also result in more subtle effects that may even seem like nothing happened. No matter the experience in the session, Breathwork opens the door to experiencing more of life in the present because it resolves the influences, traumas and stored emotions of the past.

When the effects of Breathwork integrate into life, it changes and shifts outlooks, values, choices, decisions and behaviours. As the safety of the process meets the participant’s desire to transform, Breathwork offers profound, limitless possibility for growth and resilience in life.

Each of us has an amazing ability, through Breathwork, to unlock a powerful self-healing process for personal transformation. Breathwork sessions provide an opportunity to activate the natural healing process we inherently all have.

Breathwork sessions last approximately 2 hours in duration.

You will also receive tools and practices to support you between sessions to further your integration. It’s a good idea not to have to rush into the ‘next thing’ to give your new self time to honour the work you are doing with yourself.

It is a layer by layer process and that is why it works. Your body, especially your nervous system and mind, deserve and need time to relax, heal and integrate. More importantly, if the shifts you create for yourself are to stay with you, then time is your friend.

As far as how many Breathwork sessions you will need, 

you will start with a program of 10 sessions. We aim to hold sessions 1 to 2 weeks apart to maintain the full momentum of your healing process and keep your ego/thinking mind out of the way. 

On completion of the full 10 session program, you will be more conscious, aware and awake to handle what comes up in your life.
 In time you can join us for group Breathwork - these are highly recommended as there is always more to learn about you! There is also the opportunity to continue with a 'top-up' series from time to time - usually 5 sessions - when you need some extra support in life, or are ready to go deeper.

Ready to make a start to a new you?

The Breathwork process needs continuity to work to the deeper aspects of healing and release, so it is recommended that an individual program of 10 sessions is the perfect starting point.

Working with me, you will learn to support yourself to better cope in times of change and upheaval - with clearer vision and greater inner connection.

Be supported to get curious about who you are and the patterns that are your habitual ways of moving, breathing and thinking, so that you are better able to make real change where you need it, where you want it.

Whether approaching from the breath, the body, the mind or your energy systems, you will learn ways to unravel tensions and unhealthy habits, reveal and release stale thought patterns and beliefs and cultivate healthy safe ways of connecting with your emotions for a richer more connected life - including more fulfilling relationships with yourself and with others.

Find out more about how I can tailor a program to suit you and explore what it means to be the best version of you!

Connect with me to find out more...

Connnect with me here....


Working with me

Working with me, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Integrity is of the utmost importance to me and this work and time you spend with me is for you - about you, to support you, beginning by listening to you.

A Certified Breathwork Practitioner, I also bring over 10 years of experience teaching and studying yoga and meditation to each session, along with over 25 years of self discovery and personal growth work from dance, medical and anatomical studies, spiritualism and more.

I love sharing my learning and explorations with you in a safe, inclusive way, opening you to your own capacities in life and healing.

The space I hold is gentle yet strong, deeply intuitive, sensitive, with a touch of lightness - while we keep it very practical.

We are here, it is the only place we can be and my aim is to make the most of it in body, mind and spirit: grounded, expanded, radiant and awake!



Is it possible to put into words what Breathwork is and the effect it has on oneself?

Tracy led me through a journey of self-discovery and with trepidation I confronted past life events which gave me an understanding of who I am.

The words which first come to me when I think of my Breathwork sessions are serenity, blissfulness and euphoria. I now feel more balanced, calm and at peace with myself and the world around me.

There is a serene spiritual energy that emanates from Tracy and I often feel as though I am floating along in her wake of divine energy. I have experienced dropping into nothingness and also floating out and away from myself. Sometimes it feels like I am very clear headed yet my body feels at peace and relaxed in a very relaxing, tranquil state.

Breathwork can be many different things to many different people and my experience of Breathwork with Tracy has been life changing in the journey to discover myself.

Robyn H

Wow Wow Wow!

What an amazing journey, having completed 10 sessions of breathwork with Tracy!

Breathwork was something I’d heard about more and more these past 12 months and synchronicities lead me to my Breathwork journey with Tracy.

The clarity you gain with problems and finding peace with family, loved ones and personal issues, is for me where the biggest changes have been made.

The actual practice of breathwork gave me an insight into a whole new world that I’d been seeking with meditation yet never quite got there.

For anyone wanting clarity, peace and a curiosity of new learnings about oneself, I can’t think of a better way than through Breathwork with Tracy.

Importantly, you will feel safe and confident that Tracy’s professionalism will guide you to where you need to go. I now have the tools and confidence to continue my own Breathwork practice, which I do weekly in my home.

Thank you Tracy, for guiding me and teaching me the gift of breathwork.

Sacha xx

I love arriving at Tracy’s beautiful sacred space she has created to experience the magical unfoldment of deep hidden mysteries of my body and soul allowing an opening up to more experience of my true self uninterrupted and unminimized giving me more aliveness and vitality.

Tracy offers this magical unfoldment through her accomplished breathwork training wrapped in her sincerity, humility and strong sense of ethical service to all who are called to unravel tension, pain, anxieties, health challenges or move past locked in negative feedback loops.

The reasons are unlimited to the callings of our heart, body and soul. Tracy’s guidance and expertise facilitates you into a process which is gentle, supportive and nurturing.

Devryn H

Hi Tracy,

Just a little message to say thank you to you.
The breathwork session with you on Friday was absolutely amazing and there has been a huge shift. I've finished my next module on my course and am inspired and motivated again. You are in the miracle arena and so good at what you do. Thank you! Thank you!

With love and Gratitude

Gina xx

Still have questions?

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